
Sustainable Reconversion Plans: 3 MSMEs measured their Carbon Footprint

Within the framework of the Local Green Jobs Project, the Carbon Footprint measurements of three MSMEs associated with the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Rosario were completed. This work was possible thanks to funding from the European Union, and it involves Pilot Plans for Sustainable Reconversion of production processes.

In a scenario in which the transition towards a green economy implies major changes not only in the way of producing and marketing goods and services but also in the world of work, the sustainability of MSMEs “must be thought of as a possible project, as an alternative and opportunity for change and learning. If it does not become an empty agenda, something else to do to continue doing the same” (Utrera, 2021, p. 14).

In this way, ALPA Seal supported the benefited companies with the measurement of their Greenhouse Gas emissions. Thus, ARAG Argentina S.A., Industria Gráfica Pagani and Pastas Mulini learned about their environmental indicator along with possible concrete actions they can take to reduce their emissions and contribute to the sustainable reconversion of their production processes.


ARAG, for more than 20 years, began development in Argentina providing comprehensive solutions for the agricultural, industrial, road and body sectors. The company is recognized worldwide in the production and marketing of agricultural components, with high quality standards and constant innovation to meet customer needs.

Pastas Mulini

It is a project that began in 2016, with the purpose of producing high-quality pasta with the authentic Italian flavor, from the cultivation of wheat with good agricultural practices. This food production is not only distinguished by its quality but also contributes to the well-being of the environment and people, because they are committed to the protection of natural resources through sustainable development. Starting with the fields of associates to industrial, commercial and administrative management activities.

Pagani Graphic Industry

Located in the city of Rosario, this MiPyMe has been designing, developing and manufacturing cardboard and microcorrugated packaging for more than 50 years. They work on projects together with their clients and main manufacturers of automatic packaging machines, with the aim of achieving practical, distinguished and efficient packaging. In addition, it has an integrated quality, safety and environment policy, being certified under ISO 9001 and FSC standards.

Sustainable Reconversion Plans make it possible to establish concrete tools that promote the sustainability of results and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. The execution of these, together with the work carried out by local governments and green ventures, translates into an environmental impact that makes a difference in our quality of life and a concrete difference in confronting climate change.


Utrera Lucas Ignacio, Sustainability for SMEs: Decalogue to be a sustainable SME. 2021, SMS S.A.

The project “Local green jobs: the role of Civil Society Organizations as articulators of just transition processes towards a green economy” is financed by the “Civil Society Organizations Thematic Program – Argentina 2020” of the European Union, and executed by RAMCC as project manager and the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Rosario, In Situ and Wageningen University & Research as partners.



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