It is not new to say that climate change currently affects all countries in the world, generating a negative impact from the economy of each society to people’s lives.
In this sense, one of the fundamental actors to join the fight against climate change is the private sector. For example, according to a recent report by IDC Research Spain, “72% of companies consider sustainability as one of the main priorities of their business, since it represents up to 12% savings in relation to their high energy consumption.” Another relevant fact is that customers are also aware of the environmental impact, so much so that a recent survey carried out by the booking platform “in more than 32 countries reveals that 39% of travelers consider sustainability measures very important.” when choosing a hotel or apartment”, to use the hotel sector as an example.
To address this situation, the first step is to become aware of the emissions that are generated, that is, quantify them. The second step is to generate an internal plan to reduce emissions.
From Alliances for Climate Action based in Malaga, we promote the ALPA Carbon Footprint Seal that adapts to the global trend of fusing technology, innovation and solutions that reduce the negative impact of organizations on the environment. As? Through its own software. This innovative tool allows you to quantify and visualize the evolution of the emissions generated in the organization based on monitoring with different indicators and aligned with the international regulations ISO 14064:2019, GHG Protocol and IPCC.
This software was born as a space where the company will be able to visualize the results that have been obtained from the measurement of its GHG both in report format and in the form of graphs to facilitate their interpretation. You will also be able to interact and download: final report, certificate, ALPA seal, presentation of results and infographic. You can view the results of your fingerprint from the device you want and whenever you need it.
Furthermore, in the event that the company that is calculating its emissions has more than one branch, the results will be loaded in such a way that they can be viewed individually, that is, by branch, or the total of the company can be seen, which which provides an advantage when seeking to make a comparison of dependencies within the same institution. In the same way, it will be possible to observe the evolution of the carbon footprint year by year, since by measuring more than 1 year with us, the software itself draws a comparison of emissions.
Without a doubt, today the development of a company is linked to how it faces the climate crisis. Some financial institutions and organizations invest in companies that demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability. Measuring and reducing your carbon footprint can open doors to funding opportunities and business collaborations.
Any questions visit our website Services Section.
Source: El MUNDO / Compartiendo conocimiento EL MUNDO / Los aliados imprescindibles EL MUNDO.