
They announced an investment plan to improve the Mar del Plata recycling plant

Within the framework of the Mar del Plata Local Climate Action Plan, Coca Cola Argentina, Ecopek and Reginald Lee announced an investment plan of 135 million pesos. The objective is to improve the operation of the recycling plant operated by the CURA Cooperative, which recovers recyclable materials in the municipality of General Pueyrredón.

This alliance aims to optimize working conditions and contemplates the contracting of services and goods for the organization, equipment and supplies to optimize processes.

The collaboration was announced within the framework of the celebration of the 150 years of Mar del Plata and crystallizes the public-private alliance that is promoted by the Local Climate Action Plans for the construction of more sustainable cities. As a member of the RAMCC, the municipality has been promoting different initiatives to meet the climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives stipulated in the Plan.

Mayor Guillermo Montenegro highlighted that “working together with the private sector is essential for the regional economy to continue growing and deepen the path towards a more sustainable productive scheme.”

In addition, Montenegro celebrated that private investment can accelerate this type of process. “It is something that helps a lot not only to one sector, but to the entire city.” In that sense, he stated: “We people from Mar del Plata have a very important commitment to the environment.”



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