
Strategic agreement between the University of Valladolid and Alliances for Climate Action.

Directors of both organizations signed a collaboration agreement with the objective of carrying out training activities related to Climate Change.

Among its purposes, the UVa has the promotion and application of knowledge to promote innovation, quality of life and sustainable economic and social development; collaboration in the conservation of the environment, promoting, in the exercise of its functions, responsible consumption, fair trade, the rational use of energy and the priority use of ecological and recyclable materials, as well as the promotion of research and teaching aimed at sustainable development.

On the other hand, APAC based in Malaga (Spain) promotes the development of training for the generation of qualified technical personnel on issues that cut across climate planning. Among its main objectives is the training and generation of technical capacity in members of companies, representatives of municipalities and the general public who worked on this topic.

The alliance between both organizations contemplates collaborative work in training instances such as workshops, training courses, diploma courses, workshops, seminars, discussions, among others, as well as in the development of research, reports and/or reports related to health issues. climate change.

The first project will be a training course in “Urban Agriculture and Climate Change” to be developed in the month of May.


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