The concept of sustainability within companies is a fundamental aspect today, marked by global environmental challenges that make up the corporate agenda of organizations. There is a new generation of young entrepreneurs who are aware of climate change and the impact that their actions can have on it.
Located in the city of Ceres, Dupouy Distribuciones is a family business with more than 30 years of experience, dedicated to wholesale distribution. We had the opportunity to talk with Florencia Dupouy, who worked together with Sello ALPA with the aim of finalizing the calculation of the company’s carbon footprint for the year 2022.
“The awareness on the part of each of us of how our activities generate an impact on the environment was the reason why we carried out the measurement. “We knew the impact of our activities, but we did not know how to reverse or reduce it.” Florencia Dupouy, Company Administration Area.
Florencia is aware of the importance of calculating the footprint, since the greatest impact is a consequence of the emission of greenhouse gases generated through the fuel used in vehicles intended for the distribution of products.
“And with this measurement, we were able to quantify this and acquire the necessary tools to reduce these gases,” he said.
In the town of Camilo Aldao, Industrias Renzi is also a family business that has begun the process of measuring its carbon footprint by 2023. The company is dedicated to the manufacture of children’s rides and games, games for public parks and is currently innovating in gym and senior games, and they are proud to highlight that they are the first company in the city to measure their carbon footprint with the ALPA Seal.
On the other hand, Germán Renzi is the third generation in the family SME, and at the same time he is part of the Energy Efficiency Group of the Municipality of Camilo Aldao. Based on his experience, Germán highlights the importance of local governments when it comes to taking initiative and making the problem visible:
“I was able to transfer the concepts that we deal with in the municipality to the company. In the municipal building there is a lot of interest in energy efficiency, which has already kicked off by being a pioneer. We also demonstrate this by incorporating renewable energy”
Access to an emissions certificate and a seal that makes visible actions carried out by companies and organizations are essential samples in a world that demands responsible and sustainable business practices. In this sense Germán states:
“For companies it is very important to have the footprint measurement to have environmental measures, because it also gives them a vision and greater acceptance within the market of the products made in the company”
And finally, Industria Gráfica Pagani S.A. in Rosario, has also carried out its carbon footprint measurement with ALPA. Martina Pagani, Environmental Engineer and Head of Integrated Management, points out that:
“Measuring our organization’s Carbon Footprint for the first time is a fundamental step in our environmental management. It means that we are assuming the responsibility of understanding and quantifying the impact we generate in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. This allows us to identify concrete measures to reduce our environmental impact.”
The vision of young people to understand the impact of their actions within SMEs stands out among the three companies. Active participation in the environmental care of companies and the generational responsibility of agents of change such as young people is essential to preserve a sustainable environment over time, not only with the demands of the present but also thinking about the future.