
Municipality of Olmedo, Ecuador joins the Hucha Climate Action program

In the fight against climate change, municipalities play a crucial role by being in the first line of action to implement effective measures at the local level, these local administrations are fundamental to address environmental challenges, since they have easy access to knowledge of the specific needs and characteristics of their communities and therefore the importance of municipal climate action.

Hucha, through its strategic Climate Action program, is advancing in leaps and bounds, consolidating everyone’s participation in the fight for climate; this is where the intervention of committed municipal governments makes positive change.

Thus, a strategic meeting was held between the Municipality of Olmedo in Manabí, Ecuador, where Luis Mero, President of Hucha, along with his work team, met with the Mayor, Eng. Lourdes Guerreo Giler, and her councilors; in the Municipality’s facilities, which highlights the importance of these alliances that benefit the citizens of the municipalities, starting collaborations with social and environmental impact.

The president of Hucha, Luis Mero, shared the main pillars of work that we have as a company committed to the environment and society in general, and above all the work that has been carried out in Climate Action

The meeting became an atmosphere of reciprocity where not only information was shared on behalf of Hucha, but also attention was paid to Engineer Lourdes Guerrero about her concerns when carrying out a possible collaboration with Hucha and the Municipality of Olmedo, emphasizing the importance to promote environmental awareness and citizen participation from the municipality to promote significant changes in individual and collective behaviors, generating a positive impact on the mitigation and adaptation to climate change at the local level and, therefore, at the global level, processes that are optimize with municipal climate action.

The Causes that unite us

Working together is vital to promote the development of a community, and in this case it is proposed to work as a team for the citizens of the Olmedo canton, proposing collaboration in three main lines: Sustainable Tourism, climate action, training for young people. Which respond to the work model of Hucha initiatives with a triple impact approach: Social, economic and environmental, which develops the efforts to train the youth of the community, and to promote the tourism development of the canton in a sustainable way, which benefits no not only to the residents but also to the environment, goals that can be met with municipal climate action.

These connections are the first steps to continue transforming lives.

“Congratulate you for this good work, the truth is we are a small canton, which at the level of Manabí is the one that receives the least resources, at the level of Ecuador it is the second, and it is a canton that is also in the process of development, we have potential “We have agriculture, we have livestock, we have beautiful places that we can promote as tourists.” Ing. Lourdes Guerrero – Mayor of Olmedo canton


Young people and their contribution to Climate Action

Hucha together with the Municipality of Olmedo share the ideal that young people play a fundamental role in the promotion of Climate Action and its dissemination, which becomes an important axis of work from the Municipality, where active participation and commitment are essential to raising awareness about the environmental challenges we face. By promoting the dissemination of Climate Action, young people contribute significantly to the construction of a sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

In the current context, young people emerge as fundamental actors in the dissemination of Climate Action. Their energy, enthusiasm and fresh perspective play an essential role in raising awareness and mobilizing society in the face of climate challenges.

Energies that can be channeled through innovative initiatives, educational training, promoting your active commitment to the promotion of sustainable practices. Their ability to communicate the urgency of addressing climate change not only inspires other young people, but also influences broader generations, thus creating a collective momentum towards preserving the environment for future generations. By creating these workspaces we can continue to transform lives.

Source: hucha.org


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